Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

A poll of more than 850 primary, secondary and further education staff by the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) found that while boys' behaviour at school remains more challenging than girls, both have got worse over the past five years, according to more than half of respondents.

In the survey, a primary school teacher from Bedfordshire said: "Boys are generally more physical and their behaviour is more noticeable. Girls are often sneakier about misbehaving, they often say nasty things which end up disrupting the lesson just as much as the boys, as other children get upset and can’t focus on their work. They are usually the ones who refuse to comply with instructions." In schools that have excluded pupils, 57 per cent of education staff said that more boys have been excluded for challenging behaviour.

Among both sexes, low-level disruption such as talking and not paying attention was the most problematic behaviour for 70 per cent of respondents. For girls, most staff said bullying such as spreading rumours was the biggest problem. Among boys the most challenging behaviour was physical aggression. Staff thought the main reasons for challenging behaviour within their schools and colleges were family breakdowns, followed by a lack of positive role models and poor emotional health. ATL general secretary Dr Mary Bousted said: "The behaviour of both boys and girls can pose huge challenges for those working in schools and colleges. Staff get ground down daily by the chatting and messing around, which disrupts lessons for other pupils and takes the pleasure out of teaching. "Even more worrying is the physical aggression, most often among boys but also among some girls, which puts other pupils and staff at risk.

Schools need to have firm and consistent discipline policies and work with parents to keep schools and colleges safe places for pupils and staff alike."

(Adapted from

Which best serves as the title for the passage?

Đáp án đúng là: B
Giải thích
Giải thích:
Tiêu đề nào sau đây phù hợp nhất trong đoạn văn?
A. Giáo dục giữa học sinh nam và học sinh nữ
B. Hành vi của học sinh trở nên tồi tệ hơn
C. Thành kiến chống lại các học sinh nữ trong lớp
D. Học sinh bị bắt nạt ở trường
Cả bài nhắc tới vấn đề các hành động gây hấn, gây rối loạn trong lớp học của nam sinh và nữ sinh, nó gây vấn đề ra sao, nguyên nhân và đề xuất để giải quyết vấn đề này.